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In the modern imagination the elf is that magical creature that lives in symbiosis in the forests. What if elves really existed?

In the Amazon there are tribal groups that have lived and coexisted with mother earth for centuries. They are the Yanomami.

This indigenous population lives in a sustainable and coherent way with everything around them ... clearly for their survival they use poison to catch fish in the river, reduce the mammal population by hunting and cut down trees for their buildings but that what is important is that they take from the forest only what they need to survive. Everything is done thoughtfully and based on their intimate knowledge of what the forest can and cannot give. This awareness is the most important thing that should unite all living beings on earth. Unfortunately, however, the greed of Western man is progressively destroying their uncontaminated environments. Gold miners bring alcohol and disease, deforestation destroys their homes and cursed Covid is decimating a population that has no genetic memory of how to deal with non-existent viruses in the Amazon. It is a people that must be defended, left in its environment and protected. There is a great book we are reading and we have drawn inspiration from called "Yanomamo: The Fierce People" by Napoleon A. Chagnon.

I also invite you to search the web as much information as possible about this wonderful population and how much we can learn from them, even in the medical field .... Good painting to all.


THE BUST WILL BE OFFERED IN PRE-SALE at € 38 Instead of € 45 (this does not include any taxes that you will have to pay to your EXTRA-EU country of origin)

"Yanomami" The children of the forest resin bust

SKU: Yanomamiwomen
VAT Included
  • size bust: 1:10

    pcs: 5 resin pieces

    Sculptor: Mujin Park

    box Art: nos


    shipments will take place on a weekly basis in the purchase order

    Shipping will start by purchase order from the third week of April

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Scientificmodels is a small Italian company that produces and sells quality miniatures with a scientific theme and more. We offer services to museums, 3D printing and much more.

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Trilobite Design Italia and Scientific Models are trademarks owned by Di Silvestro Gianpaolo. All the prices of the site are to be understood as VAT including the commercial invoice will be attached to the goods shipped. All prices are VAT included . Scientific Models and Trilobite Design Italia belonges to Di Silvestro Gianpaolo Aurisina TS ITALY PI 01265210326

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