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In the heart of the Atlantic, off the coast of the Azores, the cries of whalers once resounded. For centuries, men of courage and skill ventured out to sea in search of these majestic sea creatures. The tradition of whaling was deeply rooted in the culture of the archipelago and was a vital source of livelihood for the local communities.

The whalers of the Azores, known as "baleeiros", embarked on sturdy and fast boats called "botes". Gifted with intuition and intuition, they traveled kilometers of ocean in search of the imposing whales. Once the prey was located, an epic struggle between man and beast began. Baleeiros armed with spears and harpoons bravely ventured out to bring down the whales and bring them ashore.

However, over time, consciences have opened up to the beauty and fragility of these wonderful marine creatures. With growing awareness, attention has shifted from whaling to the protection and conservation of whales. The impetuous spirit of whaling has turned into a fervent commitment to preserve and understand these gentle giants of the ocean.

Today, the Azores has become a whale-watching paradise. The old hunters, now elderly, have passed the baton to the new generations of "guardians of the sea". The marine ecosystems of the Azores have become protected sanctuaries, providing a safe environment for whales during their seasonal migrations. Vessels that once housed harpoons are now equipped with binoculars and cameras, ready to capture the amazing sight of whales in their natural habitat.

The "Azores Whale Hunter" miniature symbolizes this historic transition, from an era of hunting to one of protection. It represents the strength and determination of hunters of yesteryear and their new role as guardians of the ocean. Every accurate detail of the miniature tells a story of change, hope and respect for the wonder of marine life.


Whale Hunter's Legacy: The Azores' Epic Miniature Story!

SKU: whalehunter
VAT Included
  • Dim. bust: scala 1:10 3 pcs.

    Project: Gianpaolo Di Silvestro

    Sculptor: Airat H.

    Box Art: Barba miniatures


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Scientificmodels is a small Italian company that produces and sells quality miniatures with a scientific theme and more. We offer services to museums, 3D printing and much more.

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Trilobite Design Italia and Scientific Models are trademarks owned by Di Silvestro Gianpaolo. All the prices of the site are to be understood as VAT including the commercial invoice will be attached to the goods shipped. All prices are VAT included . Scientific Models and Trilobite Design Italia belonges to Di Silvestro Gianpaolo Aurisina TS ITALY PI 01265210326

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