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OCTO was a curious octopus, always fascinated by the strange mechanical devices that littered the ocean floor. He loved tinkering with the gadgets he found, often fusing them with his body in strange and unexpected ways. One day, he came across a mysterious contraption unlike anything he'd ever seen. It was a complex steampunk machine, with gears and cogs that rotated in intricate patterns. OCTO was intrigued and began studying the machine, trying to figure out how it worked. While he was working, something strange started happening. Its tentacles seemed to merge with the machine, becoming part of its complex network of gears and cogs. Soon, OCTO was no longer just an octopus - it was a living, breathing steampunk marvel.





Steampunk Oceanics miniatures: OCTO the abyssal octopus

SKU: Octo
VAT Included
Only 9 left in stock
  • Dim. miniature: 8 x 7 cm

    Project: Gianpaolo Di Silvestro

    Sculptor: Roberto Vescovi

    Box Art: Roberto Gerolimon

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Scientificmodels is a small Italian company that produces and sells quality miniatures with a scientific theme and more. We offer services to museums, 3D printing and much more.

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Trilobite Design Italia and Scientific Models are trademarks owned by Di Silvestro Gianpaolo. All the prices of the site are to be understood as VAT including the commercial invoice will be attached to the goods shipped. All prices are VAT included . Scientific Models and Trilobite Design Italia belonges to Di Silvestro Gianpaolo Aurisina TS ITALY PI 01265210326

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