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Avete mai sentito il detto quel cane assomiglia al suo padrone? Bene e cosa sucecderebbe in un futuro lontano dove robot, animali e umani si fondono in una nuova civiltà? Dalle sempre meravigliose matite di David Diez la nuova serie: "Best Friends"


I primi 5 pezzi al prezzo speciale di 50€ invece di 65€!!!





David Diez : Leyla and Ettore

SKU: BestFriendsleyla
VAT Included
  • size: 75mm resin kit

    concept art: David Diez

    Sculptor: Guillermo Slamovits

About us

Scientificmodels is a small Italian company that produces and sells quality miniatures with a scientific theme and more. We offer services to museums, 3D printing and much more.

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© 2023 by Scientificmodels

Trilobite Design Italia and Scientific Models are trademarks owned by Di Silvestro Gianpaolo. All the prices of the site are to be understood as VAT including the commercial invoice will be attached to the goods shipped. All prices are VAT included . Scientific Models and Trilobite Design Italia belonges to Di Silvestro Gianpaolo Aurisina TS ITALY PI 01265210326

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