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Charnia masoni is and has been the most important and studied Ediacaran fossil as its presence has shown that the rocky layers that contained it were older than 542 million years. Charnia, like other rangeomorphs, has alternate and "wrapped" empire branches arranged along a frond that rose in the water column with a very short stem at the base. Sometimes, in some fossils a disk is also found that acted as an anchoring system called holdfast. The organism had considerable variation in morphology within populations; The Charnia is known both for small specimens just three centimeters (Liu et al., 2012), and up to larger specimens that exceeded 60 cm in length (Ford, 1999).

Charnia masoni model of the fauna of Ediacara

SKU: Charnia mawsoni
VAT Included
  • size: 12cm 24cm or 35cm in 3D resin

    paleontological project: Gianpaolo Di Silvestro

    3D Artist: Alessio Schirinzi

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Scientificmodels is a small Italian company that produces and sells quality miniatures with a scientific theme and more. We offer services to museums, 3D printing and much more.

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Trilobite Design Italia and Scientific Models are trademarks owned by Di Silvestro Gianpaolo. All the prices of the site are to be understood as VAT including the commercial invoice will be attached to the goods shipped. All prices are VAT included . Scientific Models and Trilobite Design Italia belonges to Di Silvestro Gianpaolo Aurisina TS ITALY PI 01265210326

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